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repair cycle中文是什么意思

用"repair cycle"造句"repair cycle"怎么读"repair cycle" in a sentence


  • 检修周期
  • 修理周期


  • Structure of repair cycle
  • Survey and repair cycle
  • How to define the best repair cycle and remanent life - span of the engine with the reliability theory is discussed and analyzed
  • On the railway line nuder normal major repair cycle , rm - 80 full section undercutting ballast cleaning machine has enough excavation ability in working condition , productivity can come up with it ' s design standard
    对于正常大修周期的线路上, rm80型全断面道碴清筛机作业运行工况具有足够的挖掘能力,作业效率基本上能够达到其设计标准,这些在国外已经得到了充分的证明。
  • ( l ) it is very important for the state repair of diesel enging in our country ; ( 2 ) it will help with the more accurate decicision of repair cycle of the engine ; ( 3 ) it will improve the combustion state of the diesel enging and will keep the oil comsume at a lower level , at the same time , it lessens the dilute of the lubricanting oill in the engine . there are still some more research work to do , for it is just the begining . the mathematic model should be made and more accurate data rule should be established
    ( 1 )为推行内燃机车状态修做准备,这在跟踪国际机车检修先进技术上有着十分重要的意义; ( 2 )为更合理制定内燃机车的检修周期提供实验分析方法和数据,试验数据作为每台柴油机的技术资料被存储,借助计算机软件系统可以辅助制定机车的检修计划,使机车的检修工作更科学合理; ( 3 )提高机车质量,降低检修费用; ( 4 )改善柴油机燃烧状态,降低燃耗,节约运营成本,同时,可以减少燃油滴漏,降低滑油消耗。
  • A new maintenance method called pertinence maintenance is also introduced in chapter fourth . chapter fifth is mainly about the cost control of shipping maintenance , integrated with the practice of our shipping company , combined with my work experience , chapter fifth provides two useful models - shipping repair factory chosen model and repair cycle model
  • In normal situation , the cost of die account for 15 % 25 % of press parts cost . with the increasing of press parts yield , the percent of die cost is decreased . the cost of die making is relatively fixed value , and the cost of die repairing is fixed value according to the calculation of define repair cycle
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